Getting Care for Long COVID – Cher


Cher attends two different long COVID programs and benefits from both.


Wednesdays I do the post-COVID recovery clinic, Thursdays I lucked out and was able to get in to see a specialist who normally is with the BC Chronic Complex Diseases clinic at the University of British Columbia medical school … I think where the post-COVID recovery clinic does tips and tricks on pacing and energy management, and how to reduce the stimulus, etcetera, it’s still very much kind of a western science mode that you can treat the symptoms but not have to talk about all the hard stuff. Whereas as Dr. [name]’s clinic is focused on a more holistic idea of a person, and so most of the stuff we actually talk about is mental and emotional, and acceptance of understanding that you have this chronic disease that is, in all likelihood, never going away, and you have to try to live with it, and address how to adopt a different lifestyle. So that’s Thursdays, and then Fridays I do a physiotherapy movement class, again, through long COVID clinic. Yeah. And interspersed with that, I try to just do a lot of breathing, because, again, they’re finding that the autonomic dysregulation that is pretty common with long COVID means that people’s breathing rates and heartrates are just spooky.

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